Fitness for the Differently Abled

Did you know that there are many different ways to be fit? And we’re not just talking about the amount of weight you can lift or how fast you can run. We’re talking about all kinds of fitness – from mental fitness to emotional fitness to spiritual fitness. One type of fitness that is often overlooked is physical fitness for those who are differently abled. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for getting and staying physically fit, regardless of your ability level!

For wheelchair users, it’s important that they have the proper chair and accessories that enable them to get the most out of their workouts. Adaptive sports wheelchairs come in several different sizes and styles, so it is essential to find one that fits your body size and type, as well as the best one for what you’re interested in. Are you into basketball or road “chairing” (road biking in your chair)? Just as with bicycles, finding the right one makes a big difference! Additionally, having a wheelchair with adjustable components can help you to adjust your workout intensity from beginner to advanced levels. Once you have the right equipment for your needs, there are a variety of exercises you can do such as wheelchair push-ups or even aquatic exercise classes in specialized pools or hot tubs.

Amputees can benefit from physical fitness programs tailored to their condition. Special care must be taken when working out with prosthetics, as improper technique may cause pain or injury. It is important to discuss with a doctor and physical therapist any potential risks involved in working out, as well as the best exercise program for your particular situation. There are so many more prosthetics now, due mainly to 3-D printing, so ensuring a perfect fit for your activity is doable!

Those with paralysis can also get fit with the help of functional electrical stimulation (FES). This method uses low-intensity electrical stimulation to activate paralyzed muscles so that they respond to training. FES relaxes muscle spasms, prevents muscle atrophy, increases localized blood circulation, and maintains or can actually increase range of motion, leading to improved strength and flexibility.

Lastly, it’s important to find fitness professionals who specialize in working with the differently-abled community. They will be able to create safe and effective routines tailored specifically for you that will keep you healthy and active! There may be fun ways to stay fit that you don’t even know are available! Additionally, there are many organizations, groups, and events specifically designed for the differently abled community. The Special Olympics, for example, is an organization that gives people with disabilities the chance to compete in Olympic-style athletic competitions.

No matter what your physical fitness level or ability is, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy and active! From wheelchairs to prosthetics to FES, there are a wide range of specialized tools and programs available that can help you reach your goals. With the right resources and support, it’s possible for anyone – regardless of ability – to achieve their fitness ambitions! Go for it!

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